© Copyright Faculty of Education, UKM 2009.
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1. | Kesan Strategi Pembelajaran Koperatif Terhadap Pencapaian Geografi Tingkatan Satu – Topik Tumbuhan Semula Jadi dan Hidupan Liar (The Impact of Cooperative Learning Strategy on the Geography Achievement of Form One: Topics Forest and the Wild Life) Abstract & References (Word) | Full Text (Pdf) | |
2. | Kajian Deskriptif Analitikal tentang Cadangan Panduan Akreditasi Pendidikan Guru di Negara Membangun A Proposed Guide for Accreditation of Teacher Education in Developing Countries (A Descriptive Analytical Study) Abstract & References (Word) | Full Text (Pdf) | |
3. | Tahap Kesediaan Penggunaan ICT dalam Pengajaran dan Kesannya Terhadap Hasil Kerja dan Tingkah Laku Murid Prasekolah (Level of Readiness in Using ICT for Teaching and Its Effect on the Work and Behaviour of Preschool Pupils) Abstract & References (Word) | Full Text (Pdf) | |
4. | Konteks Keluarga dan Hubungannya dengan Penglibatan Ibu Bapa dalam Pendidikan Anak-anak di Sekolah Menengah (Family Context and Its Relationship with Parental Involvement in Their Children’s Education in Secondary Schools) Abstract & References (Word) | Full Text (Pdf) | |
5. | Komunikasi Budaya Silang, Kompetensi, Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran: Satu Analisis (Intercultural Communication, Competence, Teaching and Learning: An Analysis) Abstract & References (Word) | Full Text (Pdf) | |
6. | Keberkesanan Proses Pembelajaran Menggunakan Teknologi Sidang Video (The Effectiveness of Learning Process Using Video Conferencing Technology) Abstract & References (Word) | Full Text (Pdf) | |
7. | Kesahan dan Kebolehpercayaan Mygsi dalam Mengukur Kemahiran Komunikasi, Kepimpinan dan Kerja Berkumpulan Guru Pelatih Bahasa Melayu (The Validity and Reliability of MyGSI in Measuring Communication Skills, Leadership and Teamwork among Malay Language Teacher Trainees) Abstract & References (Word) | Full Text (Pdf) | |